Youth Group Camping Trip
Get ready for our CCMC English Camping Trip! We will get together on September 30 and travel to a spot where we have fun, play games,...
Youth Group Program
CCMC English has a group of young people who desire to know God and learn how to prepare their hearts and faith for the world that is...
Fragrant, Tempting, Sticky Turkish Delight!
One sign that my readings of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe were just a tad shallow as a boy was that my major takeaway was an...
Lob-star - Marriage
Written by contributing author, Irene Sun. Besides refusing to call Hans my "boyfriend" when we were dating, he had to put up with a lot...
I Am Yours, Save Me - Marriage
Written by contributing author, Irene Sun. At the lowest point of our wedding planning, I laid on the floor of my apartment, face down,...
Crush Management - Dating
crush [kruhsh] noun 1. The state of being infatuated. Intense, all-absorbing, short-lived passion for something or someone. 2. The...
The Ethnic Church
In 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said "I must admit that I have gone through those moments when I was greatly disappointed with the...
Volunteer Opportunities Near Me
Ready to volunteer or make a difference for your local community? Looking for volunteer services near, volunteer work or jobs nearby? ...
Welcome to CCMC English
We are excited that you have found us at CCMC English! We are the English Congregation of Chinese Christian Mandarin Church located in...