What is Baptism?
At CCMC English, we offer baptism classes every year for those who have confessed with their mouth and believed in their heart that Jesus...
Youth Group Camping Trip
Get ready for our CCMC English Camping Trip! We will get together on September 30 and travel to a spot where we have fun, play games,...
Youth Group Program
CCMC English has a group of young people who desire to know God and learn how to prepare their hearts and faith for the world that is...
How Majestic Is Your Name
We had a spectacular Children's Ministry program the last year that focused on teaching kids about the Names of God from a curriculum...
Fragrant, Tempting, Sticky Turkish Delight!
One sign that my readings of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe were just a tad shallow as a boy was that my major takeaway was an...
Volunteer Opportunities Near Me
Ready to volunteer or make a difference for your local community? Looking for volunteer services near, volunteer work or jobs nearby? ...
REVIVE: Bible Study
We are starting up a new Bible Study called REVIVE on Friday nights at 8pm, meeting at the CCMC Church building: 9s565 Clarendon Hills...