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His Promises - Faithful to All

We have kick started our new school year in the Children's Ministry that will focus on God's Promises and how He is Faithful to all. This curriculum focuses on understanding God's promises to believers, what is promised to unbelievers, God's unchanging salvation through Jesus Christ, how nothing can separate His people from God's love, and how God will complete His work in each believer.

This teaching is vital for every young person and child who has a deep long desire to know the Faithful and True One.

In this time, we desire for children to know God's promises that they can hold on to for the rest of their lives. His promises are gifts to us, and they become the building blocks for every person's faith and belief. This understanding is absolutely necessary to help navigate the culture and world we live in today.

If you are interested in having your child be a part of this program, please Contact Us!

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